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Day 36

Today's Scripture:
Romans 10:1-4

Key Verse:
Romans 10:1

"Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved."

The Point:
Paul had a burden to see the salvation of the Jewish people. The people of Israel were religious ("a zeal of God" written in Romans 10:2), but they had "not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God" (verse 3).

Paul did not simply repeat or recite prayers as part of a routine, but he prayed for his own people with a heart stirred from passion.

Casual praying from the hearts of men does little to reach or touch the heart of God. Prayers that do not move your heart will likely not move the heart of God either.

Confess and Forsake Any Known Sin:

Probing Questions:

  • Do I find it hard to ask forgiveness of another for a wrong or offense from my family or acquaintances?
  • Is it hard for me to admit when I am wrong?

I am a child of Jehovah-Elyon, the Lord most high, and I desire to see His will done. (Psalms 97:9)

Joshua 24:24 "And the people said unto Joshua, The LORD our God will we serve, and his voice will we obey."


  • Ask the Lord to grant religious freedom to believers around the world.
  • Ask the Lord to open countries that don't have the gospel.
  • Ask God for Revival to begin in you.

Psalms 85:6 "Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee?"

Meditate On:
Acts 16:6-12