FBCKingstowne Home



Day 30

Today's Scripture:
Acts 10:1-8

Key Verse:
Acts 10:2

"A devout man, and one that feared God... and prayed to God alway."

The Point:
Though an unconverted Gentile, Cornelius sought to know God. He prayed to the One who is "the rewarder of them that diligently seek Him" (Hebrews 11:6). God found a seeking man, and a seeking man found God. Very soon thereafter, Peter was sent to Cornelius and his household with the message of salvation in Christ. This resulted in the salvation and baptism of the entire family. Many missionaries that have been first into a specific field have testified of finding their "Cornelius" there. God never plays "hide-and-seek" with anyone who truly seeks Him.

Confess and Forsake Any Known Sin:

Probing Questions:

  • Are you seeking God, or are you playing "hide-and-seek"?
  • Are you hiding from God to maintain your favorite sin?
  • Are you indifferent to the lost souls that live around you?
    • Ask God to send Missionaries to those places where souls thirst for the gospel.
    • Ask God to send you to the immigrant that has arrived here and has never heard the gospel.
  • Is it fair that you have access to the gospel everywhere you live, when others have never heard it once?
    • Confess your ingratitude that the gospel is prevalent here.

Confess this, repent of this sin, ask God to forgive you for being given so much and disregarding it.

I am delivered from the power of darkness.

Colossians 1:33 "Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:"


  • Ask God to raise up church planters to start gospel-preaching churches in our area.
  • Ask God how He would have you participate in our next church plant through the church.