Day 3
Today's Scripture:
Matthew 6:9-13
Key Verse:
Matthew 6:10
"Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven."
The Point:
When we touch Heaven in prayer, God changes things on Earth. Prayer is God's means to implement His will on earth.
Confess and forsake any known sin.
Proverbs 28:13 "He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy."
Probing Questions:
- Do I believe the Bible’s promises are God’s will for me?
- Do I embrace God’s commands as His personal will for my life?
- Are there transgressions I need to repent of today?
- Am I willing to do anything He asks me to do to be right with Him?
Thank Him now for cleansing. 1 John 1:9
I am saved by the gift of God’s grace.
Ephesians 2:8 "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:"
- Ask God to perfect His will in your life.
- Ask God to increase your desire and love for both the Bible and prayer.
- Ask God to help you put Him first in every area of your life.