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Day 28

Today's Scripture:
Acts 8:5-25

Key Verses:
Acts 8:22

"...and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee."

Acts 8:24

"Pray ye to the Lord for me..."

The Point:
For many years, Simon was an instrument of Satan and lived in the Flesh (verses 9-11). Like many people, he made a profession of faith and was baptized.

Simon's life had been poisoned by "bitterness," and he was in the prison of "iniquity" (verse 23). He desperately needed relief and release that only God could give. His request was simple: "Pray for me."

To be free, an individual must desire freedom in the Lord, and they must direct their prayer to Him first. The prayers of others will make a significant impact. When Simon asked for prayer, the door of opportunity opened for his life to be changed.

True conversion changes a man both on the inside and on the outside. Until the heart is changed by God, nothing else changes. Deliverance ultimately comes through the response of a prayer-hearing God. It comes initially through the request of prayer-praying people.

Confess and Forsake Any Known Sin:
Is your life one of bitterness? Is it littered with the wreckage of living in the flesh? Freedom is available, but God can't make you want it.

Confess the sin of bitterness, ask God to forgive you of your past mistakes, ask God to free you from the anger, regret, and pain of past loss as you embrace the promise of His glorious future.

By Faith, forgive those who have hurt you and transfer their debt to God and let him collect on their debt against you.

John 8:36 "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed."

I am part of a royal priesthood and have direct access to the heart of God forever.

Revelations 20:6 "Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years."


  • Ask the Lord to appoint godly judges who will make wise decisions according to God's word.
  • What are some specific issues or rulings that you can pray about.

Meditate on:
Psalms 33:12