Business Meetings
FBCK is a democratic body that makes major decisions via congregational consensus, in accordance with our Church Constitution. We are committed to transparency in our finances, ministries, and activities, and invite everyone to be part of the decision-making process.
Business meetings are typically held on the second Sunday of each Month at 6:45 pm (following Sunday evening services). A zoom link is also provided for those who wish to attend virtually. Business meetings are not livestreamed via Facebook or Youtube.
Click to join FBCK Business Meeting via Zoom
Zoom meeting ID 884 7179 9751
Passcode 246810
Monthly meetings may occasionally be moved to other dates to avoid scheduling conflicts. In addition, meetings to conduct special orders of business may be held as needed, in accordance with the Church Constitution. If a scheduled meeting has no substantive agenda items requiring a vote, it may be held as a "reports-only" meeting - the body will not meet, and reports from the treasurer and other committees will be distributed via email. Information on meeting date changes will be announced via the church newsletter and from the pulpit.
Members of FBCK are encouraged to attend all business meetings and make their voice heard. Non-members are also invited to attend and participate, although they cannot vote. For certain meetings involving sensitive personal issues (this is rare), meeting attendance may be restricted to members only - thank you for your understanding in this matter.